Phishing Hotmail Email and Website - "Left You a Live Message - Read Full Email"

Phishing Hotmail Email and Website - Left You a Live Message - Read Full Email

There is a fake,, or email, with the message: "left you a live message READ THE FULL EMAIL". The email message contains a link to the Hotmail Outlook phishing or fake website '', designed to steal your user name and password.

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Here is a Copy of the Email Message:

Phishing or Fake Hotmail Outlook Email

Email address removed> left you a live message

The link 'READ THE FULL EMAIL', in the email message goes to the following website:
hxxp:// db0&u=ZmF0dGE3N0Bob 3RtYWlsLmNvbQ==

Clicking on this link will take you to the Hotmail Outlook phishing website

Phishing or Fake Hotmail Outlook Website:

Phishing or Fake Hotmail Outlook Website:  hxxp://

You will be asked to enter your Hotmail Outlook password (DO NOT). If you do, your email address and password will be sent to the scammers operating this phishing website.

You will then be redirected to one of the websites listed below:


Although, the email message appeared to have been sent from one of your contacts or someone that you know, it may have not been sent by that person. But, as a precautionary measure, I am asking that you contact the person whose email address, the email appeared to have been sent from, and ask that person to change his/her or password.

If you were tricked into entering your Hotmail, Outlook or Live password on this phishing or fake website, please click here to change your password now.

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Phishing Hotmail Email and Website - "Left You a Live Message - Read Full Email"