If you are asked to download any software in order to watch a free movie or video online from a website that you are not familiar with or is not popular, please do not. The only thing that you need in order to watch free movies or videos online is one of the following plugins: Adobe Flash Player, DivX Web Player, QuickTime Plug-in, RealPlayer, or Microsoft Silverlight. Most computers come with these web browser plugins already installed.
If these web browser plugins are not installed on your computer, you can download them at:
Only download these software from the links above.
DO NOT download any other software, which claim will allow you to watch free movies or videos online. Most of these software contain malicious programs or, are embed with unwanted programs like: web browser hijackers or annoying toolbars.
If a website doesn't allow you to watch a movie or video using Adobe Flash player, DivX Web Player, RealPlayer, Microsoft Silverlight, or the new HTML5 video, avoid using or visiting it. Downloading and installing a program from a website that you are not familiar with is very dangerous.
This is how a lot of persons have gotten their identities stolen, money stolen, email and other accounts hacked. Simply because they were tricked into downloading programs that contain spywares and Trojan horses that spied on them and secretly stole their information.
Your antivirus software cannot fully protect your computer alone and not because you have one installed on your computer, it means that your computer cannot be infected with some malicious programs.
Some malicious websites will try to trick you, by asking you to click on a link to download the Adobe Flash Player, Divx Web Player, QuickTime Plug-in, RealPlayer, or Microsoft Silverlight. This link will lead to a malicious program disguised as one of these software.
So, always use the links above to download the Adobe Flash Player, DivX, QuickTime Plug-in, RealPlayer, or Microsoft Silverlight, if they are not installed on your computer.