Woolworth Scam Alert - "Complete Survey to Receive $50 or $100 to Your Account"

Woolworth Scam Alert - Complete Survey to Receive $50 or $100 to Your Account

Woolworth is asking all its customers and the public, to be aware of the current email scam or social networking posts, using their name & logo to encourage their customers and others to complete a survey to receive a $50 or $100 gift card, or to credit $50 or $100 to their accounts. Woolworth said that these emails or posts are NOT from them and they would never ask their customers or anyone for personal or banking details in unsolicited communications.

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The Woolworth Survery Email Scam

Subject: Woolworths Supermarket Survey Department


You have been selected by Woolworths Online Department to take part in our quick and easy reward survey.

In return we will credit $50 to your account - Just for your time!

Helping us better understand how our members feel, benefits everyone.

With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes to improve and expand our services.

The information you provide us is all non-sensitive and anonymous. No part of it is handed down to any third party groups.

It will be stored in our secure database for maximum of 3 days while we process the results of this nationwide survey.

To access the form, please click on the link below :


Copyright © 2013 Woolworths, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.

The email may contain the following attachment: 'Woolworths_Survey.zip'. Clicking on a link in a social networking post or opening the attachment will take you to the following form:

Woolworths Survey Scam Form

DO NOT complete any form or respond to any email message that you may have received, because you will only be sending your information to the cybercriminals behind these scams. Please note that all of Woolworth official competitions are posted on their website at http://www.woolworths.com.au/promotions or on their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/woolworths. Please check the pages to confirm any Woolworth promotional emails or messages that you may have received.

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Woolworth Scam Alert - "Complete Survey to Receive $50 or $100 to Your Account"