Fake Free Samsung Galaxy S4 Competition on Facebook

Fake Free Samsung Galaxy S4 Competition on Facebook

With the release of the new Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone, scammers are wasting no time creating fake websites and luring persons to them by sending out fake promotional messages, claiming that these persons can receive a free S4 smartphone in the Samsung Galaxy S4 competition.

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This is one of the bogus Free Samsung Galaxy S4 messages

We have 2,839 Samsung Galaxy S4's which can’t be sold because they’re unsealed so we are giving them out for free to some lucky people!

Want To Get One? Just “Share” this phoo then go here: www.free-samsungs4.com

Competition ends on the 22nd May 2013, Good luck. ~ Samsung!

If this message is posted on your Wall or Timeline, do not share, "like" or comment on it. If you do, you will only help to spread this fake competition.instead,  report it to Facebook by using the "Report Story or Spam" button.

This is how the website www.free-samsungs4.com looks

Fake Free Samsung Galaxy S4 competition

If you visit www.free-samsungs4.com, you will be taken to the scamming website branddealonline.com or the malware website rogena.net.

The website branddealonline.com is designed to trick you into submitting your personal information and completing surveys. The scammers behind this website may use the information collected to scam their victims or sell it to other scammers.

Do not enter your email address and other personal information on this website. You will only be doing this in vain because you will not get a S4 or any other devices that you were promised.

A few weeks ago, a similar scam message was spreading on Facebook that claimed that you could win a free IPAD. The links in this message also went to the website branddealonline.com. Click here to read more at this scam.

These messages are mainly posted on Facebook and Twitter, but you may also receive them via email or text message (SMS). Please avoid visiting branddealonline.com because this website is a scam.

Now, the other website, rogena.net, contains malwares.

Avast antivirus blocking rogena.net

Avast antivirus blocking malware website rogena.net

Avoid visiting this website and ensure that you have an antivirus software installed on your computer.

Scammers are working diligently to steal your personal information and money. They are creating hundreds of fake websites daily and posting fake messages with claims of getting something free. But, do not be fooled by these fake messages. Always remember, if an offer is too good to be true, more than likely, it is scam.

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Fake Free Samsung Galaxy S4 Competition on Facebook