Mother's Day Scams: How to Avoid Them

Mothers Day Scams  How to Avoid Them

Mother's Day is the most special day of the year because it is this time that we give thanks to all mothers. Now, since this day is so special for everyone, scammers usually take advantage of it, because they know that most persons are shopping online for Mother's Day gifts. Below I have some tips that will help you stay safe online this Mother’s Day.

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Things You Should Not Do Online This Mother's Day

  • do not open attachments in an email message with instructions to open or view your Mother's Day gift, E-card, coupon, discount or other gifts
  • do not click on links in an email message with instructions to click to open or view your Mother's Day gift, E-card, coupon, discount etc
  • do not order flowers or other gift items from websites that are not popular or unknown to you, your friends or family members
  • do not order from websites that have deals that seem too good to be true. Scammers will create fake shopping websites and lure you to them with very cheap prices or offers, in order to steal your personal and credit information
  • do not click on links posted in Twitter, Facebook or other social networking websites encouraging you to buy cheap Mother's Day gifts; even if the links appeared to have been posted by someone that you know
  • do not reply to email messages asking you for personal information, regardless of who the email message may have appeared to have been sent from
  • do not browse the internet without antivirus software installed on your desktop computer or mobile device
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Mother's Day Scams: How to Avoid Them