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Digicel Text Message Scam - "Call To Claim Prize"

Digicel is advising customers to be on alert for a scam in which text messages are sent asking them to call a number in order to claim a prize. The numbers identified so far are +37127910639 and +37127912982. Digicel is urging persons to avoid calling or reading any messages from these numbers as this is not a legitimate promotion.


Help Digicel stop these scams by providing them with the information below on their Facebook page:

PLEASE NOTE that Digicel will only contact you from 619-5000, 380-0057, 619-1525 or SMS from 400, 137 and 142 regarding Digicel’s promotions.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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