If you receive any of the e-mail messages below, please do not click on any of the links in them. These are malicious e-mail messages that will take you to a malicious website and infect your computer with malicious programs like viruses, Trojans and other malwares served by the Black Hole Exploit Kit, if you click on any of the links in them.
Here are copies of the IRS Income Tax Refund Appeal Turned Down malicious e-mails:
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2013 13:13:37 +0100 [09:13:37 EST]
Subject: Income Tax Refund TURNED DOWN
Hereby You notified that Your Income Tax Outstanding transaction Appeal (No: 8984589927661), recently was CANCELED. If you believe that IRS did not properly estimate your case due to misapprehension of the fact(s), be prepared to deliver additional information. You can obtain refusal of acceptance details and re-submit your appeal by using a link below.
Please enter official site for information
Internal Revemue Service
Internal Revenue Services United States, Department of Treasury
P.O. Box 265
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 11:30AM - 16:30PM your local time.
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:00:35 +0100
From: Internal Revenue Service [zirconiumiag0@irs.gov]
Subject: Income Tax Refund NOT ACCEPTED
Hereby we hav to inform that Your Income Tax Refund Appeal ({ID: 46303803645929), recently has been CANCELED. If you believe that IRS did not properly estimate your case due to misapprehension of the fact(s), be prepared to equip additional information. You can obtain non-acceptance details and re-submit your appeal by browsing a link below.
Please browse official site for more information
Internal Revemue Service
Internal Revenue Services United States, Department of Treasury
3192 Aliquam Rd.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 11:30AM - 16:30PM your local time.
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2013 10:06:55 +0800
From: Internal Revenue Service [damonfq43@taxes.irs.gov]
Subject: Income Tax Refund TURNED DOWN
Hereby we have to note that Your State Tax Refund Appeal ({ID: 796839212518), recently has been RETURNED. If you believe that IRS did not properly estimate your case due to misunderstanding of the fact(s), be prepared to serve additional information. You can obtain refusal to accept details and re-submit your appeal by browsing a link below.
Please enter official website for information
Internal Revemue Service
Internal Revenue Services United States, Department of Treasury
9611 Tellus. Av.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 11:30AM - 16:30PM your local time.
According to Wikipedia, the Blackhole Exploit Kit is currently the most prevalent web threat, where 28% of all web threats detected by Sophos and 91% by AVG are due to this exploit kit.
Its purpose is to deliver a payload of viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs to a victim's computer. The creators of the kit are suspected to be famous Russian hackers named "HodLuM" and "Paunch".
The links in the e-mail message may take you to one of the following websites that contain the Blackhole Exploit Kit:
- micropowerboating.net
- morepowetradersta.com
- asistyapipressta.com
- uminteraktifcozumler.com
- rebelldagsanet.com
- madcambodia.net
- acctnmrxm.net
- capeinn.net
- albaperu.net
- live-satellite-view.net