"Get A Free $200 or $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas Survey"

Get A Free $200 or $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas Survey

The "Get A Free $200 or $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas" giveaway promotion below is bogus. This promotion has a link to a website that promises a $250 Kroger Gift Card, if you complete a certain amount of online surveys, like and share it on Facebook. Note: Look out for similar scams with different dollar amounts.

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The Fake "Free $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas" Facebook post

The "Free $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas" Facebook post
Get A Free $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas (79 Remaining)
Claim your Free $250 Kroger Giftcard Instantly. Only a few left.

Clicking on this fake Kroger Facebook post will take you to the bogus websites:

  • www.flickncardsin.com/Kroger/

    giveawaychristmas4u.com website

    giveawaychristmas4u.com website

    Follow these 2 simple steps below to claim your voucher!
    Free Vouchers Remaining: 98

    1) You must share this page: Share
    2) Click add comment & say thanks ..example thanks i love Kroger
    After you post your comment you will be redirected automatically to claim your voucher

  • www.giveawaychristmas4u.com/krogergift/

You will not receive a $250 Kroger Gift Card after completing the surveys, liking or sharing this fake promotion. The aim of the scammers behind this promotion is to trick as many Facebook users as possible into “liking”, sharing this fake Kroger promotion, and make money from the surveys that are completed by their victims.

Kroger had this to say about this scam on their Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/Kroger):

We apologize for any confusion, however we are not affiliated with that website or involved in that offer in any way. Please do not engage with the website as the gift card offer being promoted is a scam. Our internal teams are aware of this issue and addressing it now.

Avoid visiting the website www.giveawaychristmas4u.com/krogergift or www.flickncardsin.com/Kroger/ and taking part in any promotion, survey or any other activities the website claim it offer.

Please do not help the cyber-criminals behind this scam get rich by sharing, 'liking' or commenting on this scam.

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Dec. 19, 2017 at 5:43 AM by
"Get A Free $200 or $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas Survey"

Here is another scam:

"You have been selected to take part in our short survey to get a Free $100 Coupon at Kroger! We only have 332 coupons's remaining so hurry up!



Dec. 23, 2013 at 12:41 PM by
"Get A Free $200 or $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas Survey"
an anonymous user from: Riverwoods, Illinois, United States

hxxp://giveawaychristmas4u.com/krogergift/ was a complete scam!<br/>The website directs you to fill out all these surveys that has absolutely nothing to do with Kroger. It is said that people try to take advantage of people this way in order to make money...


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"Get A Free $200 or $250 Kroger Gift Card This Christmas Survey"