Facebook Primark Free Voucher Giveaway Scams

Facebook Primark Free Voucher Giveaway Scams

The pages on Facebook offering Primark vouchers for free are fakes. These pages were designed to trick you into completing online surveys, sharing the same scam with your friends, and collecting your personal information. Do not follow the instructions on these fake Primark pages, share them with your friends, or "like" them.

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One of the Facebook Primark Free Voucher Giveaway Scams

Facebook Primark Free Voucher Giveaway Scams

The Latest Primark Vouchers For Christmas

Get a £500 Primark Voucher
102,435 people claimed this offer

This scam is located on Facebook at the following web address:
www.facebook.com/ primark.vouchers.for.christmas

If you click on this fake Facebook post, you will be asked to accept an offer. If you accept, you will be sent an email message.

Fake Primark Free Voucher Offer Email Message

To use the offer online, click here.
To use the offer in-store, visit Primark Vouchers and show this email.

Primark Vouchers
Get a £500 Primark Voucher
Like Offer Share Offer
Expires December 31, 2013

If you click on this bogus voucher, you will be taken to the fake Primark website:
www.primark.free-giveaways .me

Fake Primark Website hxxp://primark.free-giveaways.me/

This website will ask you to share the same web page with your Facebook friends, if you want to unlock the content. But, there is no content or voucher; this is a scam.

This is what Primark has to say about these scams:

There are pages on Facebook offering £500 Primark vouchers for free - they are fake, please do not click on them!

We're working with Facebook to remove them as quickly as possible. If you think you may have entered your details, changing your Facebook password is recommended. If you have any questions please comment below. Thanks

Here are some more websites that have the the Primark voucher scams:

  • www.portugal.free-giveaways .me
  • www.primark.free-giveaways .me
  • www.amazonspringoccasion.com
  • www.free-gc.com

Already thousands of persons of already shared and liked these scams, hoping that the free voucher will help them with a little Christmas shopping .

If you have already "liked" or shared this scam, please "unlike" or unshare it. This will help prevent this scam from spreading on Facebook.

If you have already "liked" or shared this scam, please "unlike" or unshare it. This will help prevent this scam from spreading on Facebook.

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Jan. 16, 2014 at 7:49 PM by
Facebook Primark Free Voucher Giveaway Scams
an anonymous user from: Dublin, Leinster, Ireland

Primark say they are working in conjunction with Facebook to remove these bogus giveaways.

This was on 11th Dec. It's now 16th of January and i received one on my Facebook page last so they are not working fast enough!


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Facebook Primark Free Voucher Giveaway Scams