"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam

Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board Email Scam

If you have received the fraudulent e-mail below or something similar: "Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board," please do not follow the instructions in it because it is a lottery scam. There is no Samsung lottery and the fake email message was sent by cyber-criminals/scammers. Sending your personal information to these cyber-criminals will only help them rip you off. Every month, thousands of these email messages are sent out by scammers to trick their potential victims into stealing their personal information and/or sending money.

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The Lottery Scam Email

Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board
London – United Kingdom
Samsung Galaxy Funds Claims Office
Tel: +447017036148

For Your Attention Our Lucky Winner

You have been awarded the sum of $7,000.00 (seven hundred thousand us dollars) and 1 samsung galaxy mobile phone by the samsung galaxy lottery board. This online lottery had been held through collections of emails address via the internet as there were no sales of tickets in this category.

We are happy to inform you that the committee has gone through your claim form and all your claim verifications had been completed and the confirmation had been acknowledged. We have already finalized the formalities and our paying bank has issued a certified bank draft which a bank officer shall be sent to your country to make the clearance of the draft into your account when he arrives in your country.

He will arrive in your country as the draft has been dispatched by the barclays bank and the name of the bank delivery officer that will be coming to your country is mr. Kelvin mac so you are advised to cooperate with him to ensure a speedy transfer of the above said funds into your account in your country.

So we await the confirmation of the following in other to ensure a safe delivery of the draft to your home without any delay whatsoever.

Full name: --------
Full address: -----
Mobile no: --------
Age & sex: --------
Country: ----------

We the entire board of the samsung galaxy international lottery says a happy congratulation to you while we wait for your urgent response.

Yours faithfully,
Dr. Jerry louise
Email: samgx.s4 @qjg.co
Prize release officer

Samsung galaxy lottery international

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Feb 25, 2023 at 3:15 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Paramaribo, Suriname

Hallo my name is polion hensley. a samsung agent tag me that I won $500000. a sunsung mobile and a car . but I must do a delivering fees $1500. I want to known if t true or a scam .


Sep 14, 2023 at 12:57 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Goma, Nord-Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

C'est faux, c'est une Totale arnaque

It's false, it's a total scam


Feb 25, 2023 at 8:36 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam

It is a scam.


Feb 1, 2023 at 8:28 PM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago

Good night, this is Selwyn Edwards I have been contacted by Samsung saying that I want 800,000 US dollars just would like to know if that is true or not


Feb 2, 2023 at 6:47 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam

It is not true, it is a scam.


Jan 2, 2023 at 8:00 PM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Gombe, Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Received this:


Numéro de jeton de vérification: #SM6253

À l'attention de: Cher gagnant,

Nous avons reçu votre e-mail en relation avec la notification gagnante quI a été envoyée à votre mobile après vérification de votre numéro de jeton: # SM6253. Votre numéro de téléphone mobile a reçu 250000,00 $ (deux cent cinquante mille dollars des États-Unis d'Amérique) et SAMSUNG GALAXY S20 5G UW par UK-USA SAMSUNG Mobile Award Promotion quI a eu lieu ce mois-cI à notre siège social de Samsung à 1000 Hillswood Dr, Lyne, Chertsey KT16 0PS, Royaume-Uni.

Votre numéro de téléphone attaché au numéro de billet: UK-094518-6253SM le tirage gagnant: 07/13/20/27/33/36 / Bonus Ball: 48 / quI vous a par la suite remporté la loterie dans la 2ème catégorie.

Vous avez donc été approuvé pour réclamer une somme totale de 250000,00 $ (deux cent cinquante mille dollars américains) Il s'agit d'un prix total en espèces de 25000000,00 millions de dollars, partagé entre les cent (100) premiers heureux gagnants de cette catégorie au monde. -large.

Ce programme a été rendu possible par 100 entreprises multinationales dans le monde, pour éradiquer la faim et la pauvreté à travers le monde. En conformité avec les organismes de parrainage, vous devez effectuer une remise d'une partie de votre fonds gagné, pas moins de 10 pour cent, après avoir reçu votre allocation à une organisation caritative.

Notre banque payante STANDARD CHARTERED BANK LONDON UK commencera immédiatement le processus pour faciliter le déblocage de vos fonds dès que vous contactez notre banque et assurez-vous de suivre leurs instructions avant 10 jours sur la base de nos accords. Tous les participants ont été sélectionnés au hasard dans la base de données de l'opérateur mondial de télécommunications mobiles via un système de loterie informatique et extraits de plus de 10 000 000 d'entreprises.

Cette promotion a lieu chaque année. Pour des raisons de sécurité, vous devez indiquer ce code de sécurité # SM6253 à notre banque de paiement afin d'éviter les escroqueries et de garder vos informations gagnantes confidentielles jusqu'à ce que votre réclamation soit traitée et que votre argent vous soit remis sous la forme que vous jugez appropriée pour réclamer votre prix. Cela fait partie de notre mesure de précaution pour éviter les doubles réclamations et les abus injustifiés de ce programme par des éléments sans scrupules. Soyez averti. Pour déposer votre réclamation, veuillez

Contactez notre banque payante STANDARD CHARTERED BANK LONDON immédiatement après avoir lu ce message pour une libération rapide et urgente de votre fonds



Nom et prénom...



État civil...



Numéro de preuve d'identité valide...



Jan 27, 2023 at 6:27 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Salut comment faire pour récupérer l'argent je suis en Afrique République démocratique du Congo je suis la gagnante #sm6253.mon numéro est ...

Hi how to get the money back i am in africa democratic republic of congo i am the winner #sm6253.my number is ...


Apr 16, 2022 at 2:50 PM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: City of Perth, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I apparently won 800.000 and have to send 300 dollars to have it transferred into my account


Aug 7, 2022 at 1:20 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I have too but I'm broke and live on 20 buks a week. They have been chasing for 5 years now. I keep telling them I am too broke to pay anything and why can't they pay the fees if they are giving away so much... Falls on deaf ears. It's been going on for 6 years now and I get 4 or 5 people contacting me every year.


Oct 21, 2019 at 12:32 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Gurgaon, Haryana, India

All Award/Lottery winners should know that most of these messages that you had received are fake and scammer are using some multI national company’s names to defraud people, so beware of such messages before you replied or sent out your personal data to the any one. For more queries or assistant for your Award/Lottery Prize...


Dec 18, 2021 at 3:59 PM by
"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Douala, Littoral, Cameroon

salut je viens d'être sollicité a ces sms et je suis même déjà en contact avec un avocat orienter par eux

hi I have just been asked for these sms and I am even already in contact with a lawyer directed by them


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"Samsung Galaxy International Lottery Board" Email Scam