The Facebook post below, which claims that Will Smith has died, is a fake or hoax. Will Smith is alive and has not died from a medication overdose, which the hoax claims was caused by the negligence of the doctor who did his spinal surgery.
The Will Smith Malicious Facebook Death Hoax
Hollywood Press: Will Smith has just been pronounced dead after undergoing an immediate spinal surgery caused by an accident while filming Hancock 2 (2014).
The negligence of the doctor with medication overdose was blamed to be the cause of his death.
Watch the full video of CCTV cam installed in the operating room where he was admitted: hxxp://
This Facebook post is a trick to lure persons to a malicious Facebook application by claiming that they can watch the full CCTV video of the surgery via a camera installed in the operating room. This application will ask you to give it access to your Facebook account, which it will use to send the same hoax to all of your Facebook friends.
If you install the malicious Facebook application (DO NOT) by giving it permission to your Facebook account, you will be asked to download a "Facebook Media Plug-in", which the hoax claims you will need in order to view the CCTV video of the surgery.
But, there is no video and as I have said before, Will Smith is alive. If you install the so-called "Facebook Media Plug-in" by clicking on the link, you will install a malicious computer program that will infect your computer with a virus or Trojan horse.
If you have already installed this malicious Facebook application, please click here for instructions on how to remove it.
Do not use Facebook as your legitimate news source. If something is posted on Facebook, please verify it by visiting one of the reputable news websites. And, if you asked to install an application to view a video or any form of information, please do not.
Your web browser is capable of viewing most videos without the need to install any additional plug-in.