Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from

Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from

If you have received SMS or text messages asking you to call a particular phone number, please do not. Scammers have been using cell phone wireless networks' Email to SMS or Web Portal text messaging service to send fraudulent messages like the ones below to their potential victims. Remember to view the comments made below by persons who have received these SMS or text messages.

Advertisements - Continue reading below is Verizon's Web SMS portal used to send and receive text and multimedia messages from your phone, tablet or the web using your Verizon Wireless Phone Number. If you have received these text messages, please do not respond or follow the instructions in them. Spam SMS Messages

([MasterCardNotice]-Call (503) 455-5009 [WellsFargoNotification]-Call (503) 455-5009)

(contact VISA) call 3375162111
"(contact V-I-S-A) call 337-516-2111

(contact us immediately) Fraudulent activity in your account or stolen information contact us immediately by calling 1.406.872.0026
please call at 9092221158
([AchieveCard]) [12/7/13] Notification [441858xx] AccntIssue. Call: 7064789892.
[441858xxxxxxxxx BlockedDueToFraud]Call: 762 222 1097
Call (808)4456270
(441858XXX AchieveAccountFrozen)
([AchieveCard]) (441858XXVisaLimited DueToFraud]Call: 6197934952
(WellsFargo-Notification) Call 1-406-205-0069
(Contact Wells Fargo Dept) Call: 949-289-9524

A lot of Verizon's customers have reported receiving the above text messages or SMS. Please see the different messages that these customers have received by viewing the comments below.

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Mar. 2, 2023 at 11:53 AM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Ashburn, Virginia, United States

What could he be doing on these type of sites


Nov. 19, 2018 at 7:21 AM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Edgware, England, United Kingdom

I have an email today from Bank Of America:

"11501 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA

Tell: 1(619) 485-2893


After yesterday's board meeting of the management of this bank, Ministry of Finance, Internal Revenue Service of the United States (IRS), The Reserve Bank and the World Bank Directorate it was gathered that your overdue compensation fund worth US$ million has been deposited with this bank for onward payment/ transfer to your designated/choose bank account. the reason for this is because your name was among the scam victims that lost a lot of money to African and European Fraudsters, you are hereby advised to without delay stop all contact going on between you and anybody on internet because you will end up at nothing.


Who are they? Is this legitimate?


Nov. 19, 2018 at 9:14 AM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from

No, it is not legit, it is a scam.


Aug. 5, 2017 at 2:19 AM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Anchorage, Alaska, United States

I got a text from 1 (410) 100-001 stating this:


MSG: You have a critical update on your account:


This threw me off big time considering I'm an AT&T customer and not a Verizon customer.


Jul. 15, 2017 at 3:01 PM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from

Received the following text on my AT&T cell phone:


MSG:Your Facebook account requires immediate confirmation, please follow this link:"

The link goes to the following malicious website:



May. 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

My sister which is disabled received a text on her cell phone last night stating that her debit/credit card had been locked due to suspicious activity, she started getting really upset because she doesnt have a Wells Fargo account but just happened to have used an ATM at a Wells Fargo while out of town.

I automatically realized that this was a scam and tried to keep her from getting to worried about the text. Today when I arrived at work I decided to google the text information just to see if anyone else had reported such a scam. Its sad that people are doing this and taking advantage of so many people who dont second guess the intentions of a text when it says it comes from such a trust worthy banking establishment.

Let those people who might not think twice before calling a number when receiving text like this know that no bank card is connected with your cell phone number, especially when the bank who is supposedly texting you isnt even your banking institution, and report such activity to help others not fall victim to these scams.


May. 20, 2017 at 8:29 AM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Kigali, Umujyi Wa Kigali, Rwanda

Thank you very much for your post>>


May. 17, 2017 at 12:52 PM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Washington, District of Columbia, United States

I would really like to get the Simone prepaid card off of my phone I never applied for it. I get text messages at all hours of the night and I am only using the phone for calls from my kids and when my oldest one is with his dad and needs to call me. Help me get this off my phone.


May. 17, 2017 at 2:40 PM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from

Please contact your phone service provider for help.


Apr. 15, 2017 at 1:26 PM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Rocklin, California, United States

Received 2 messages on 4/14/2017, both claiming to be landline ph. numbers

and that I could receive all text messages as voice messages for a fee,plus standard msg fee.


Apr. 6, 2017 at 11:42 PM by
Please Call Spam SMS Text Messages from
an anonymous user from: Chamblee, Georgia, United States

This one is tricky because it appeals to a person's better nature. I so rarely use my cell phone that I left it unattended for 3 days. During that time I received several texts from an unknown person using a number from my own area code. The texts start by saying hI to the name of a person I don't know and then this is both first and last name of another person I don't know explaining why she is going to be late to work due to weather. The caller's first name was Alexandria which is so rare I immediately questioned why she had to identify herself to her employer by including her last name, too. Also, why text? Why not call? I have always called to speak if late to work. My initial reaction would be to call this poor girl back so she doesn't get in trouble with her boss.

Since I had left my phone unattended what happened instead was another text at the end of normal work hours. Odd. If it were me I would call my boss again sooner. Now the situation has become drastic. She won't be into work because her mom is in a diabetic coma! Wow, I really need to call her to let her know she sent a text to the wrong person again! Several texts proceed along this line including one with the only clue I need.

She claims to have called me several times but I have not answered. Really! Let me check... No missed calls. So, this poor girl just must be punching each number like people did before speed dial and just can't seem to enter the same number multiple times to talk when she did enter my number several times to text! Obviously, the expectation is that I will eventually initiate a call with her myself.

If someone can text a phone number successfully multiple times it is virtually impossible to misdial that same number multiple times for voice communication. If you have a wrong number on speed dial it will connect for either text or voice calls. If you are for some strange reason typing each number by hand you cannot possibly get it right every time you send a text but then get it wrong every time you attempt to talk. Makes no sense at all.


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