Do not use SnapChat to share indecent or sensitive photos because this mobile application located at, which allows shared photos to be destroyed or self-destruct after viewing them, has been hacked.
SnapChat claims that photos shared by their users are protected because the persons who view the photos will not be able to save them and the same photos will self-destruct or disappear few seconds after being viewed.
But, a new application written by Darren Jones from the UK called SnapHack is able to bypass the SnapChat photo protection mechanism by allowing the user viewing the SnapChat photo to save it and do whatever he/she pleases with the image. This may include uploading the image to social networking websites, sending it via email or MMS message.
SnapHack is currently available for Apple iOS devices at the App Store.
Photos viewed on any electronic device can be saved or stored permanently. The simplest way to save or capture a photo is by taking a screenshot or Screengrab of it while you are viewing it. Even if the software that you are using to view the photo doesn’t allow you to save it, a simple screenshot can bypass this.
So, you do not need an application like SnapHack to bypass SnapChat photo sharing protection mechanism, all you have to do is to take a screenshot of the photo while you are viewing it.
Therefore, the next time you are posting an indecent photo on SnapChat or other similar applications, thinking that the photo will only be seen by the intended recipient and deleted afterwards, think again.