The email message below which appears as if it came from the IRS is a fake. The email was not sent by the IRS and was designed to trick the recipients into clicking on a malicious link or opening a malicious attachment, which will infect their computers with a virus.
The Malicious IRS Email
Subject: Invalid File Email Alert
Valued Transmitter,
We received your electronic file(s) of information returns; but, the file(s) contained errors. As of the date of this email, we have not received a good replacement file. If we do not receive the replacement file within the accentuated time from your transmission, late filing penalty may be applied. For further clarification on sending a timely filed replacement, please see Publication 1220, Part B, Section 5.01. The following is a list of your bad file(s) that need to be replaced:
Filename # of Times
Email HasBeen Sent Tax
ORIG.64X07.5975 3 2012
If you did not know your file contained errors, the results are posted on the FIRE (Filing Information Returns Electronically) System within two business days of your transmission. It is your engagement to check your filing view your file results click at Show Filing Errors.
If you have sent an emended file that you think replaces the above file(s) or if you are uncertain how to resolve the errors in your file(s), please contact the IRS/Information Returns Branch: Use our ticket system;
If you receive any email message which appears as if came from the IRS, always go to their website at to determine if the email message is legitimate. Or, you may contact them via telephone.
For information about contacting the IRS, please click here.