If you receive the e-mail message below or others like it, please note that these e-mails are sent by people trying to scam you. Do not respond to these e-mail messages with your personal information. Please do not help the scammers rip you off.
The Scamming E-mail Message
From: MMITCHAM@nmh.org
Subject: Greetings
Good morning to you, I have an urgent business proposal to share with you. If only you will be interested. Send me your name, contact address, phone number and age to ( peteranderson022@sbcglobal.net mailto: peteranderson022@sbcglobal.net ) . M. Mary for Peter Anderson.
If you reply to the e-mail (DO NOT), this is the message the scammer will send back to you:
From: peteranderson022@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Greetings
Dear ****,
Thanks for your response; this is to acknowledge receipt of your mail in view of my business proposal. I do hope you are willing to cooperate with me in executing this transaction of mutual benefit. Anyway, I will have to explain the details of the transaction to your understanding before we take further actions. You have to trust me because without trust in a business of this nature we can't succeed. I want you to know that the beneficiary documents will be put in your names and you will be the bonefide next of kin to the said funds.
I work with Capitec Finance Bank here in South Africa. We had a client named Mr. Roger Ian Wright. I was directly assigned to him as his relationship manager/financial adviser. He made several deposits (fixed) with Capitec F inance Bank amounting to ($19,800.000.00 Million Dollars) for which I was the portfolio manager. Upon maturity, several notices where sent to him but we never got a response until we discovered that he died along with his entire immediate family members in an plane crash. I have to use my private email for confidentiality and to protect my job as i am still a working officer in my Bank.
Please read more about, Mr. Roger Ian Wright a US businessman, founder of a Sao Paulo-based investment company. On the 22nd of May 2009, Mr. Roger Ian Wright, his wife and his two children all died in a King Air B350 plane crash seaside resort town of Trancoso, in the state of Bahia. You can find below the links pertaining to this accident. I want you to know that this is a confidential deal i want you and i to carry out as i am still a working officer in my bank and you also have a good name to protect too. Please click on the link to read more.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/ 2009/05/23/2579118.htm?section=justin
Since then nobody has done anything as regards the claiming of this money because to the best of my knowledge apart from his wife (Now late too) no other family member who is aware of the existence of neither the account nor the funds. As his relationship manager/financial adviser every of the activities regarding the locating of the possible next of kin revolves round my desk. I therefore decided to look for a reliable foreign partner to work with since our affiliated banking regulation requires that unclaimed funds after a period of years will be paid into the states reserve and forfeited to Government.
Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that i would like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to the late Mr. Roger Ian Wright so you will be able to receive his funds from our affiliated Bank in the United Kingdom for easy transfer of the funds to you in your country. ALL MODALITIES HAS BEEN WORKED OUT FOR A SUCCESSFUL TRANSACTION FROM MY SIDE!! The Strategy is to use my influence to name as the beneficiary of the fund so that you will have to contact our affiliated Bank for the funds to be transfer to you. I have contacts in the South African department of Justice who can facilitate preparation of necessary legal documents that will back you up as the next of kin to Late Mr. Roger Ian Wright. So that should not be a source of concern to you.
Now, that I have your Full Names, i will need you to send to me your residential address and your contact telephone number so that, I will have to contact the person at the Justice Department, who will handle the title documents to commence his job. As soon as this is done a letter of probate will be issued in your favor for making you the Administrator of the late Mr. Roger Ian Wright Estate and with this you can make application for the release of the funds. There is no risk involved at all in the matter as we are going to adopt legal methods in applying for the release of the funds to you. Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.
Like i said above, the beneficiary document will be perfected in your name as all formalities will be handled from my end as the percentage sharing will be 45% for me, 45% for you and 10%for the motherless babies and less privileged people. You can call me on the below number if you have any questions regarding this deal and my email.
I wait to hear from you shortly to know if you agree on my teams and condition concerning this deal.
Kind Regards,
Mr. Peter Anderson.