Somoto Web Browser HiJacker -

Somoto Web Browser HiJacker -

Every time I open a new tab in Internet Explorer on my sister's computer, I am redirected to I tried the same thing in Firefox and was also redirected to the same website. After doing some research on the internet, I discovered that there is a virus called Somoto. This virus hijacks your browser's settings and redirects you to, which is a fake search engine website.

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I tried a few anti-viruses and malware removal tools, but was still unabled to remove this hijacker. I decided to try Avast Free anti-virus, which completely removed the hijacker and other viruses it may have downloaded.

The Fake Search Engine


Update: March 7, 2013: You may use AdwCleaner to remove somoto. It is a very small program that doesn't require any installation. Click here to use it.

Please see the instructions below for removing Somoto with Avast:

  1. Download Avast at by clicking here.
  2. Install it
  3. Open Avast user interface and click on "Scan Computer"
  4. Click "Boot time" and "Schedule Now"
  5. Restart your computer

Before your computer boots up, Avast will scan your computer for viruses. Please allow it to do a full scan and periodically check on it because it will stop when it finds a virus and ask you to select an option. It will not continue until you have selected a number from 1 -5 with the corresponding answers.usually options 1 and 2 tell Avast to delete the virus permanently.

I think this is the best way of removing this virus instead of doing it manually by editing the System Registry and locating the files and deleting them yourself.

Also, is the same as

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Aug. 3, 2013 at 1:06 AM by
Somoto Web Browser HiJacker -
an anonymous user from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Had an identical virus on my computer (Somoto b [PUP]) and didn't even know it. I had no issues with redirected browsing or anything else out of the ordinary. I just happen to come across it on a boot-scan with Avast as well. I am unsure as to how it got onto my computer, though, since all I do is school work on my laptop and only open e-mails from people I am expecting mail from. Will have to look into this.


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Somoto Web Browser HiJacker -