Commonwealth Bank Fraudulent Email Message - 'Temporarily suspended your account'

Commonwealth Bank Fraudulent Email Message - Temporarily suspended your account

Here is another fake email being disguised as a legit message from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The email tries to trick the bank's customers into stealing their credentials, by claiming that they need to go through a verification purpose, or else their accounts will be suspended.

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The Fradulent Email message

Temporarily suspended your account
Commonwealth Bank
From: Commentwealth Bank

We are receiving complaintsfrom our customers for unauthorzed use of the Online accounts. As as result we are making an extra security check on all of our Customers account in order to protect their information from theft and fraud.

Due to this, you are requested to follow the provided steps and confirm your Identity.


If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporally suspend your account.

We ask that you allow at least 24 hours for the case to be investigated and we strongly recommend to verify (sic) your account in that time.

I have clicked on the link in the email message, but the page did not load. It appears as if the website was taken down or it is only allowing persons from a particular country to view it.

All the major browsers have not reported the link in the email message as fraudulent. If you receive this email message, please delete it immediately.

If you were tricked into to entering your credentials, please contact your bank immediately.

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Aug. 28, 2020 at 4:04 PM by
Commonwealth Bank Fraudulent Email Message - 'Temporarily suspended your account'
an anonymous user from: Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia

Sarahmarston payed $600 commonwealth bank pending payment receipt no. 183x38532

do not reply to this sms


Jul. 25, 2012 at 6:48 AM by
Commonwealth Bank Fraudulent Email Message - 'Temporarily suspended your account'
an anonymous user from: Kingston, Jamaica

The Internet is a hard place to police because there are no borders and, the laws in one country do not apply in another. It is so easy for someone to move a website from location to another in stop people like these, the world will have to come together and create a law (world law) that governs all countries.


Apr. 22, 2012 at 6:46 AM by
Commonwealth Bank Fraudulent Email Message - 'Temporarily suspended your account'
an anonymous user

Is there anyway we could stop these people before this gets out of control?


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Commonwealth Bank Fraudulent Email Message - 'Temporarily suspended your account'