Is iLivid Download Manager, Toolbar and Dangerous?

Is iLivid Download Manager, Toolbar and Dangerous?

Is Bandoo Media Inc iLivid Download Manager, Toolbar and website malicious? Bandoo Media Inc iLivid Download Manager is considered one of the most popular media downloading managers with millions of monthly installs worldwide. Thousands of people on the internet have complained that after installing this download manager, their browsers have been taken over by other software. Because of these complains, I have decided to download this software onto my test computer, study it and share the results with you.

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ILivid Download Manager is located at website for download and the name of the installation file is iLividSetup.exe. The two most popular file download websites, and offer this program for download, so it doesn't contain malware. Softwares uploaded to these websites are scanned for threats before they are made public.

I scanned the iLivid file (iLividSetup.exe) at and 1 out of 44 anti-virus softwares detected it as malicious. The anti-virus software ESET detected it as containing Win32/Toolbar.SearchSuite malware. All the other popular anti-virus softwares (Mcaffee, Norton, Avast and AVG) did not detect anything malicious about the ILivid Download Manager.

The problem with this software starts during the installation process.users are advised to pay attention while installing the ad-supported application.

The installation process will ask you to:

  • change the homepage for your web browser to
  • change the default search engine for your web browser to
  • download and install the browser toolbar Search-Results Toolbar
  • create desktop or start menu shortcuts for items unrelated to the program's functionality

Bandoo Media Inc iLivid download manager installation options

The Bandoo Media Inc iLivid Download Manager is safe; it is the third-party software Search-Results Toolbar that is a threat to you, which will change your default search page and browser homepage to and like iLivid and IMesh use the "Search Results Toolbar" to monetize their free softwares. This is why the ILivid Download Manager is packaged with the third-party software, Search-Results Toolbar.

If you use the Search-Results Toolbar, and, you may end up downloading other malwares.

To prevent the installation of these components, during the installation process, select "Custom installation" and un-check the following options:

  • "Set and keep as my homepage and new tab page and as my default web search engine"
  • "Install Search-Results Toolbar to search the web from the browser."

I have been using the iLivid Download Manager without the additional components for a few days now and have not noticed any annoying or suspicious activities on my computer. I used it to download videos from YouTube and other websites, and it works flawlessly.

If you want to download the iLivid Download Manager, ensure that you download it from, or

Using Bandoo Media Inc iLivid download manager to download a YouTube video.

If you have installed the Search-Results Toolbar, you can use the AdwCleaner software to remove this malware. Click the following link for instructions: Remove Browser Hijacker with AdwCleaner.

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Dec 14, 2013 at 9:22 AM by
Is iLivid Download Manager, Toolbar and Dangerous?
an anonymous user from: Hyderabad, Telangana, India

thanks<br/>that was helpful<br/>i just uninstalled it because my system shuts down when i move files i download from ilivid.<br/>how do i get rid off this?


Mar 20, 2013 at 5:01 PM by
Is iLivid Download Manager, Toolbar and Dangerous?
an anonymous user from: Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago

Very helpful information thanks for taking the time.


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Is iLivid Download Manager, Toolbar and Dangerous?