The email message below: "I've sent you an Offline message," is a fake and contains a link that will take you to malicious, spamming, or fraudulent websites. If you have received the same email message, please delete, and do not attempt to click on the link within it.
The "I've Sent you a Offline Message" Malicious Email
i've sent you a Offline message
click here to locate message
The link in the email message will take you to the malicious website: hxxp://, which will then take you to one of the malicious websites below:
- hxxp://
- hxxp://
The website name or address may change.
The malicious email message above was created by cyber-criminals to trick curious recipients into clicking on the link within it, in order to infect their computers with viruses, Trojan horse, and other malware.
The link in the email message may also take the recipients to phishing and bogus websites, created to trick them into stealing their online account usernames, passwords, credit card information, or buying some fake products.