How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate

How to View,  Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate

Have you ever accidentally or unknowingly liked, shared or commented on some Facebook Posts and is unable to view, remove or undo those activities because you cannot locate the posts? Well, if you are like thousands or even millions of Facebook users who do this daily, then we can help you. Facebook has an activity log that shows you all the posts you have liked, shared or commented on, and gives you the option to edit or remove them.

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How to View, Edit or Remove Facebook Likes, Shares and Comments You Cannot Locate

  • For a desktop computer user:

    1. Log or sign into to your Facebook account ( Move to the next step if you are already signed into Facebook.
    2. Click on the Facebook Setting icon (down arrow icon), located at the top right corner of the page.
      Facebook Setting icon - Gear Looking icon
    3. Click the “Activity Log” menu item. A list of all your Facebook activities will be displayed.
      Facebook Setting menu
    4. Click the “Pencil” icon to the right of each activity. This will give you the option to remove or hide that activity.
      Facebook Activity logs
  • For a mobile user:

    1. Tap the Facebook Menu icon

    Facebook mobile menu

    2. Scroll down until you locate the "Activity Log" menu item and tap it.

    3. Locate the post or activity, and click on the down-arrow located to the top-right corner of it.

That is all you have to do.

Now, If you want to view all your Facebook applications or delete an application from your Facebook account that you think you unknowingly or accidentally installed, please click here.

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Jul 10, 2018 at 11:40 PM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

They're asking for credit card info for some movie sight. Me like a dumbass I put my info in cause they said it was free for a 7 day try.

I was going to delete my membership after a day of so but got up this morning and they took money off my card.

I sent them a long email cussing them out. Im like any other person out here on a fixed income struggling and thought hmmm I can watch movies for free, SHOOT! Jumped right on in that dummy trap. Them Jackass's fooled me!


Jul 7, 2018 at 12:55 PM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

I love the activity log; the only problem is I can never find what I need to when I go back because I can never remember the dates.

If there was a way to make into catagories that would be awesome in order to utilize it on a constant basis


May 18, 2017 at 11:39 AM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Why can't I remove some Fb websites, ie., block them? Please advise. I'm afraid they may be malicious, or otherwise, hacks that don't have a right to keep from being blocked. Thank you.


May 9, 2017 at 7:36 AM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I'm tired of those posts that say he/she has cancer and no one cares enough to pray. Its cruel and heartless.


Feb 10, 2017 at 7:13 PM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

I have been trying to get Facebook to delete my sons picture that is all over the place. I have reported several people that are doing this to my infant without my permission. I've reported the picture every way possible and the actual profile. I keep getting "it doesn't go against community standards"! Help me please!


Feb 1, 2017 at 7:37 PM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: Palm Bay, Florida, United States

How do I "unfriend" a person?


Feb 1, 2017 at 9:25 PM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate

To unfriend someone:

Go to that person's profile

Tap Friends

Tap Unfriend

The person you unfriended won't be notified.

If you don't want someone to see your profile, add you as a friend or send you a message, you can block them.

Note: If you unfriend someone, you'll be removed from that person's friends list as well. If you want to be friends with this person again, you'll need to add them as a friend again.


Jan 11, 2017 at 9:28 PM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: Durban, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa

Are there specific instructions to check authenticity of posts from an Ipad?


Jan 11, 2017 at 11:03 PM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate

No,it takes a lot of research.


Sep 24, 2016 at 1:11 AM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I have reported so many of these posts to fb for being disrespectful and offensive! Fb never remove the posts! It's fb's fault... ban the posts... they are disgusting and I'm sick of them appearing on my newsfeed.


Feb 9, 2017 at 2:36 AM by
How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate
an anonymous user from: Lesvos, Voreio Aigaio, Greece

Trouble is, you cannot block these users. Why is that? I'm fed up reporting these posts and nothing is done about them. Same with fake holiday or car pages. What does Facebook actually do? Nothing.


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How to View, Edit and Remove Your Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments You Cannot Locate