"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam

Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black Scam

If the Facebook posts "I Got The New Black Facebook," "I just Got Facebook Black", "Change Facebook to Black" and "Change Your FB Color" are posted on your wall or Timeline, please do not click on them. Instead, report them to Facebook. Those Facebook posts cannot change your Facebook to black and is only a scam to trick you in to completing surveys, downloading and installing malicious Facebook apps and web browser extensions.

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The "I Got The New Black Facebook" Scam

I just Got Facebook Black

If you follow the instructions in these posts and allow a malicious Facebook app access to your profile, it will post a link to itself and send it to all your friends. Help stop the spread of these malicious Facebook posts by avoid "Liking", sharing or commenting on them. If you click on the post, you will be redirected to a website (testingpostscript.altervista.org) asking you to follow some instructions. The scammers may use other websites.

website testingpostscript.altervista.org

website testingpostscript.altervista.org

Remember, please do not follow the instructions in the posts because the surveys are used to collect or steal personal information. And each survey that is completed by the victim of the scam will earn the scammers behind the posts and apps money.

The scammers will change the look of the posts and websites, so if you are sent a post or taken to a website claiming that you can change your Facebook to black or any other color, please delete it or report it to Facebook.

How to remove "Just Got New Facebook Black" Scam

  • Please delete any suspicious or unknown Facebook applications. Click here for instructions.
  • If you have already installed the Google Chrome extensions for this malicious app, type: "chrome://extensions/" in Google Chrome address bar and press the ' Enter' key on your computer keyboard. This will take you to the Chrome extensions page. Please disable or remove anything with the name "Facebook Black" on that page. If there are any other extensions that you are not familiar with, you may want to disable or remove them also.
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May. 2, 2013 at 4:41 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam

The Facebook Color Changer for Google Chrome can be found at their App store: <a href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/apps" target="_blank">https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/apps</a>


Mar. 29, 2013 at 7:49 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam
an anonymous user from: Battle Creek, Michigan, United States

If you have google chrome you can make your facebook black by downloading an extension. I have it on mine I think it's called Facebook Colour Changer. I've had it for a while actually and has never given me a problem. Like Facebook Ad Blocker has.


Mar. 19, 2013 at 9:14 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam

It is not you who is sharing this Facebook black; it is your friends, whose accounts have been compromised. Click the "Report Spam or Story" option in Facebook to report this post.


Mar. 19, 2013 at 8:53 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam
an anonymous user from: Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait

Why is this facebook black keep popping up on my news feed as if im sharing the information. i keep deleting the post but keeps coming back on my FB.


Mar. 19, 2013 at 6:19 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam

It keeps showing up on your News feed because your friends’ accounts are compromised. Once an account is compromised, Facebook Black sends itself all that person’s friends. This will not stop until it is removed from your friends’ accounts.


Mar. 18, 2013 at 11:13 PM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam
an anonymous user from: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Why is this facebook black keep popping up on my news feed as if im sharing the information. i keep deleting the post but keeps coming back on my news feed.


Mar. 18, 2013 at 12:01 PM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam

Probably your computer is not infected.


Mar. 18, 2013 at 10:20 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam
an anonymous user from: Prague, Czech Republic

it's not working, i don't have any Application and Extensions with the name "Facebook black"


Mar. 18, 2013 at 5:07 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam

the removal instructios are at the bottom of the article above.


Mar. 18, 2013 at 4:40 AM by
"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam
an anonymous user from: Orebro, Orebro County, Sweden

how do i remove it?


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"Just Got New Facebook Black or Change Facebook to Black" Scam